Monday, September 19, 2005

Who is your 80s Heartthrob?

Click on the above link to find out who is the 80s heartthrob you like. Well it is a link for the girls to check out, as most of the questions are quite related to girls. Guys can give it a try too.

Well I found that my heartthrob would have been Bill Gates. Not a very flattering result huh? But then I have already said that the questions were girlish and I am every bit a man in thinking.


A Bronx Tale said...

Jason Bateman for me...

haaa its such a girl thing.

i always find these quizzes amusing. good waste of time nonetheless.

something to do. an escape for about 30 seconds.

Anonymous said...

I don't need it to tell me; i know. Madonna! M-A-D-O-N-N-A