Whenever there is a new out of the box kinda invention, especially in the field of computers, apple is the name that springs to mind. And, they never cease to amaze. After being listed as the number one in a list of top 20 most innovative companies by Business Week magazine, apple seems to have done it again. The mouse looks stunning. I always believed that a computer has to be a piece of art rather than just, a box performing unbelievable amount of calculations in a tiny amount of time. I agree, that is definitely why we need a computer for but, would it hurt to make a machine that looks good as well. Being in the IT field I would certainly enjoy looking at something beautiful(that includes women as well :) ) all day long rather than just a square box :).
Also, you ever wanted a stunning work of art to adorn your livng room rather than just a grumpy old box called the PC, imac is _the one_ for you.
I am yet to lay my hands on a imac but, from what I have seen around me and in the ads, it looks stunning and desirable. I certainly want one for me(also an ipod :) ).
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