Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Think Logically

Computer Science also requires logical thinking. You would expect an
electrician to understand something about electricity, so a computer
scientist must understand something about logic; as that is what computer
programs are built from - so try this logic puzzle that psychology studies
have shown most people find very hard.

There are four possible combinations of two colours (red and blue) and two
shapes (triangle and hexagon). We refer to a given combination below, like
red triangle, as a pattern. Two facts are known:

Firstly there is a specific shape and a specific colour, such that any of
the four patterns which has one and only one of these features is called a

Secondly, it is known that the red triangle is a QUONK.

Which, if any, other pattern is also a QUONK?

1. None of the other patterns can possibly be a QUONK

2. The blue triangle is a QUONK

3. The red hexagon is a QUONK

4. The blue hexagon is a QUONK

HINT: not sure your answer is right, then read the Queen Mary, Department of Computer Science cs4fn site.

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