You might be thinking that I am becoming an Apple crusader day by day. After all, this is my second consecutive post on yet another Apple product. For your information, I am not a partisan and I do not like to stick to a single product or company. It is only that I am finding the Apple's iPod range more interesting by the day. Here is a shot of iPod nano, Apple's newest variant in the iPod series. It comes with a 2GB or a 4GB storage disk. It can store upto 25,000 of your pics or store upto 500 songs(2GB) or 1000 songs (4GB). The player is smaller than a playing card and as thin a pencil. It comes with a color display and the click wheel control, customary on all the iPods. Prices start from US$199. Read more on this new product from Apple here.
let's face it, some of this shit is amazing that they're putting out. but when is it going to stop. when is enough enough. getting smaller and smaller. more storage etc...
honestly. what is next. mac already hooked up with a phone to have iPod through a cell phone.
sometimmes its getting out of hand mate.
what you reckon?
OK - Fess up - You're shilling for Apple right?
Just joking - I can see why you posted both articles. This stuff is amazing. I remember my first computer had a 20 megabyte hard drive with 640k memory. I added a second drive to get 40 megs.
It did help that I got my hard drives from a dumpster behind a computer warehouse. - My swap meet partner and I were selling broken 20 meg hard drives for $20.00, working drives for $35.00. People were clammoring for them...
Those were the days but the things were the size of a CD drive and were heavy as lead.
No way could you put one in your pocket.
I agree completely.
I can remember the joy of getting a Texas Instruments SR-50 calculator to be shared with my brother for Christmas as a Junior in High School.
It cost $300 dollars in 1975 $ just before Christmas and we were introduced to the first lesson in computer economics when the price dropped to $150 dollars January 15th.
It had a memory that could hold a constant! Woo hoo! More importantly, it could do trig functions so that I could, er, check my homework. Well, I did have to show all the steps, but at least I knew the answer was right and knew my method was off it the answers didn't jibe.
Then lesson number two came when an classmate thought it would be funny to touch it with a tiny capacitor that we were handing around the room! Oh, yeah, sure that was funny. We had 6 kids, no money to speak of and he had just fried my RAm chip or something! God was I terrified.
Lesson number 3. We were still in the warrany period so when we sent it in for repair, they had stopped making the SR-50 and we got a SR-51 back instead - 3 memory slots Woo Woo hoo hoo! Joy in mudville that day.
Then came our need to buy a computer so my bro could dial into his grad school computer, so he and I split the costs of a Commadore-64 color(!) computer. With modem 16k? 32K? A tape player data storage device. And game card like slots for well, games. I still miss radar rat race.
Along the years I have been stunned by the growth in power and the shrinkage in size of computers and while it appears that somewhere along the way there may, may be a limit on the amount of data storable in a given state, assuming a two state position is the best we can do from any basic smallest computing unit, which in itself limits storage capacity, I think we still have some pretty amazing things to come.
Perhaps some of them will actually enhance the worldwide value of human life - end of rant.
Onto Mac Stuff. I won't go on forever. Having had a duality of systems from the beginning, I have always found Mac, cleaner, smoother, easier to use and in general easier on the soul.
The software tended to encourage these funny user games that were not only creative but also great for a laugh even though often incredibly lame compared to doom. Kill Barney a hypercard application comes to mind.
But it almost died until Jobs came back and started to do that hoo doo that hee doo better than anyone doo so well.
These new lines are really sweet and the decision to go unix based for Mac OSX was really a quiet shot over the bow. This was the first big step towards making software duality far simpler than before.
Then the music player coup, a tactical victory that will be studied in marketing classes for the next generation just as that 1984 Mac commercial was, only this time, instead of a few million computers, the iTunes player launched half a billion sales of music, quelled the illegal download problem and solved the music packaging problem all in one go.
And the sleek, stunning, ultra cool iPods that were increasingly easy to use, because the innovations kept on coming for software and hardware alike as part of an ongoing marketing strategy for both, along with the IBM platform iTunes player, and the fact that even Bill Gates himself can't keep the iPod off of the Microft Redmond campus where he petulantly wants his player to be king and nary an iPod to be seen, has drawn increasing attention to the oh so sweet Macs that know not the blue screen of death, the IBM viruses and worms, can kill a frozen application leaving all others running in place, and come with the sweetest applications you ever did see.
As for the nanopod - it is perfectly place for those who only listen to 200 songs. Maybe 250 and don't carry data from computer to computer and want something really light to carry around. If you look at the iPod lineup, and really think about the differences between each player, you will see that each one carves out a different niche oh so carefully.
You think those 60 Gig iPods are for songs only? No those are for data hounds carrying their offices or family/work photos back and forth with them. Such a deal.
And the phone, as soon as I can get one, its mine. That's the one, oh ho, oh, ho, that I've been waiting for, That's the one, oh ho, oh ho, that I've been eyeing.
Oh, for those who want the ultimate in iPod accesories, see my blog for a photo of the iPotty. Something every bathroom needs when a little mood music is required to help things a long.
"Anticipation.... is making me waiiiiiiit."
Peter, The Peter Files Blog of Comedy Satire and Internet Comedy
The Blog that is always safe for work
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